3.1         Results and Observations


3.1.1     To monitor and audit the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures, 12 weekly Landscape and Visual Site audits were carried out and 6 of them were carried out by a Registered Landscape Architect. The weekly Landscape and Visual Impact reports were counter-signed by IEC as according to the requirement of EM&A Manual (AEIAR-130/2009).


3.1.2     From 20 July 2020 to 24 July 2020, due to the suspected COVID 19 case from HMJV colleague, no landscape and visual audit was conducted to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID 19.


3.1.3     No non-compliance was recorded in the weekly Landscape and Visual Site audits in the reporting period.


3.1.4     Observations and recommendations during site audits are summarized in Table 5.1.